Sunday, 16 May 2010

Mythil's Secret wins the Gratiaen Prize

There was a loud buzzing in my ears when it was announced that Mythil's Secret had won the Gratiaen Prize. I've been gobsmacked several times in my life but this was the 'gobbiest'. My first thought was 'Oh no, I don't have a speech written out!' But mostly I just sat there unable to process this shocker of an announcement until a sharp nudge in the ribs sent me weaving unsteadily to the front.

I remembered to thank the judges for giving the award to a children's book and said I hoped this would encourage more people to write in English for our children. But the judges described the story as one that would appeal to both children and adults and called it a book that looks at life from the perspective of youth.

I'm glad they think the book appeals to adults. In my experience when writing for older children you need to make sure that the story appeals to you as an adult too, if you've got any hope in entertaining younger readers!