Tuesday, 18 May 2010


One thing I found very useful when writing Mythil's Secret was a bank of friends I could blackmail... er... no, I mean, depend on to read the various drafts and comment on them. When I'm engaged in writing a story I find it difficult to spot things that a reader would find irritating or confusing.

Collecting feedback from everyone and then deciding which comments to act on is time-consuming but to me it was well worth the effort. I'm just going to mention *some* of the key people who took time to give me great feedback.

Sharmi and Shehan Pieris. Shehan was in the middle of exams too but still took the time to give some great comments.
Shantha Karthigesu and Aravind. I know they still have a bound copy of that early draft complete with my crude Word-drawn cover.
Ramila Usoof who made sure the psychological bits weren't complete mumbo jumbo.
Ruwanthie de Chickera whose comments led to an alteration in Serf's personality. Less swaggering bravado.
Tammy Ho and Jeff Zroback for numerous detailed comments - a professional close reading that was a real help.
Sarah Allen for pointing out the lose ends that hadn't been tied up.
Mandie Hawes for suggesting that the story's opening not be all doom and gloom!

Thanks guys!

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